As a multi-faceted introduction to sacramental theology, the purposes of this Handbook are threefold: historical, ecumenical, and missional. By devoting 28 of the 44 essays in this book to historical surveys, we are able to introduce readers to the historical roots and development of Christian sacramental worship.
The contributors to this Handbook explain the diverse ways that believers have construed the sacraments, both in inspired Scripture and in the history of the Church’s practice. In Scripture and the early Church, Orthodox, Protestants, and Catholics all find evidence that the first Christian communities celebrated and taught about the sacraments in a manner that Orthodox, Protestants, and Catholics today affirm as the foundation of their own faith and practice. Thus, for those who want to understand what has been taught about the sacraments in Scripture and across the generations by the major thinkers of the various Christian traditions, this Handbook provides an introduction. While the divisions in Christian sacramental understanding and practice are certainly evident in this Handbook, the Handbook is not thereby without ecumenical and missional value. This book evidences that the story of the Christian sacraments is, despite divisions in interpretation and practice, one of tremendous hope.
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Introduction: The Handbook's Three Purposes, Hans Boersma and Matthew Levering
1. Sacramentality And The Old Testament, Walter Moberly
2. Sacramentality in the Torah, Dennis T. Olson
3. Intertestamental Background of the Christian Sacraments, Craig A. Evans and Jeremiah J. Johnston
4. Sacraments and Sacramentality in the New Testament, Nicholas Perrin
5. Sacrifice and Sacrament: Sacramental Implications of the Death of Christ, Edith M. Humphrey
6. Sacraments and the Gospel of John, Richard Bauckham
7. Sacraments in the Pauline Epistles, David Lincicum
8. Sacramentality and Sacraments in Hebrews, Luke Timothy Johnson
9. Sacraments in the Pre-Nicene Period, Everett Ferguson
10. Sacraments in the Fourth Century, Khaled Anatolios
11. Augustine and the West to AD 650, Lewis Ayres and Thomas Humphries
12. Late Patristic Developments in Sacramental Theology in the East (Fifth-Ninth Century), Andrew Louth
13. Sacramental Theology from Gottschalk to Lanfranc, Mark G. Vaillancourt
14. The Christo-Pneumatic-Ecclesial Character of Twelfth-Century Sacramental Theology, Boyd Taylor Coolman
15. The Sacraments In Thirteenth-Century Theology, Joseph Wawrykow
16. Sacraments in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, Ian Christopher Levy
17. Sacramental Ritual in Middle and Later Byzantine Theology, 9th -15th centuries, Yury P. Avvakumov
18. Sacraments in the Lutheran Reformation, Mickey L. Mattox
19. Sacraments in the Reformed and Anglican Reformation, Michael Allen
20. Sacraments in the Radical Reformation, John Rempel
21. Sacraments in the Council of Trent and 16th Century Catholic Theology, Peter Walter, Translated by David L. Augustine
22. Orthodox Sacramental Theology: Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries, Brian A. Butcher
23. Post-Tridentine Sacramental Theology, Trent Pomplun
24. Lutheran and Reformed Sacramental Theology, 17th-19th Centuries, Scott R. Swain
25. Sacramental Theology in America, 17th through 19th Centuries, E. Brooks Holifield
26 Part I. 20th century and contemporary Protestant sacramental theology, Martha L. Moore-Keish
26 Part II. The Lord's Supper in Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Protestant Theology, George Hunsinger
27. Catholic Sacramental Theology in the Twentieth Century, Peter Casarella
28. Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Orthodox Sacramental Theology, Peter Galadza
29. Liturgy, Signs, and Sacraments, David W. Fagerberg
30. One Baptism, One Church?, Geoffrey Wainwright
31. Confirmation, C. C. Pecknold and Lucas Laborde, S.S.J.
32. What is the Eucharist? A Dogmatic Outline, Bruce D. Marshall
33. Marriage, Brent Waters
34. The Sacrament of Orders Dogmatically Understood: Adam A. J. DeVille
35. Reconciliation, Anthony Akinwale, O.P.
36. Anointing of the Sick, John C. Kasza
37. Sacraments and Philosophy, Thomas Joseph White, O.P
38. The Sacraments and the Development of Doctrine, Benoit-Dominique de La Soujeole, O.P. Translated by Dominic M. Langevin, O.P.
39. A Sacramental World: Why It Matters, David Brown
40. Christ, The Trinity, and The Sacraments, Francesca Aran Murphy
41. Signs of the Eschatological Ekklesia: The Sacraments, the Church, and Eschatology, Peter J. Leithart
42. Liturgy, Preaching and the Sacraments, Gordon W. Lathrop
43. Sense and Sacrament, C. J. C. Pickstock
44. The Sacraments in Ecumenical Dialogue, Jorge Scampini, O.P