Hans Boersma Articles

Hans Boersma: Articles including the topics of sacramental ontology, Nouvelle Theologie, and Patristic exegesis.


God as Embodied: Christology and Participation in and Saint Maximus the Confessor

Relying on Saint Maximus the Confessor, I argue that the Incarnation tells us how God typically manifests himself in created form. God's paradigmatic way of acting is visible, therefore, in the Incarnation. The Incarnation—God’s original and full manifestation in the flesh—is figuratively present throughout creation. Creation, therefore, is a theophany or embodiment of God.

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The Fall of Rome

December 18, 2023, will go down in history as the date on which the die was cast: the date on which the church renounced the gospel’s right to call us to repentance; the date that, more than any other, signals the church’s implosion in the West.

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Does God Have A Body?

Pantheizing God is no less troubling than anthropomorphizing or mythologizing him. And yet. Christianity is not Gnostic. Christians believe in the body as created by God, assumed by God, and raised up by God. And if human bodies matter from exitus to reditus, from beginning to end, then perhaps we ought to think again about whether God, too, might be embodied.

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