Share this postFr. Hans BoersmaReading for DeificationCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreScholarlyReading for DeificationMaximus the Confessor's Hopeful PedagogyJan 29, 202516Share this postFr. Hans BoersmaReading for DeificationCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore42Share“Reading is a practice of hope only when it is well done. Maximus reminds us that it is well-being that brings us to our divinizing telos.” Reading For Deification Maximus The Confessor's Hopeful Pedagogy 20241.36MB ∙ PDF fileDownloadDownload Thanks for reading Fr. Hans Boersma! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.SubscribePrevious
In light of what you wrote, could we say that deification isn’t the becoming of that which we aren’t but rather the revelation and conscious actualization of that which Christ, creation, and Scripture are - God made manifest, the Logos?