In light of what you wrote, could we say that deification isn’t the becoming of that which we aren’t but rather the revelation and conscious actualization of that which Christ, creation, and Scripture are - God made manifest, the Logos?

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That’s a helpful way of putting it. In some sense, it is trtue that in deification we become what we are not yet—within history, we mature toward the perfection of Christ. But this process is a growing into what is already true eternally in the Logos: God’s plan of salvation for us.

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Beautiful! This vision of theosis as salvation is where the church’s focus and teaching must remain squarely focused. We must stand firm against traddie ideologies which lose sight of salvation as theosis in exchange for an elementary soteriology aimed at avoiding hell and simply going to heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. There is no meaning crisis when one sees this vision clearly. Our very life is overflowing with the potential for actualizing our perfection in Christ.

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Very helpful comment, Aaron. I would say that in deification God transfigures us until we are perfected so as to be mature or perfect in Christ. The fulness of Christ includes his entire body (believers) and the perfection of creation.

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